Thursday, October 31, 2019

PM questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

PM questions - Assignment Example It is also important that the company continually provides training in the latest innovations and ideas for their employees, so that they have the best tools necessary to improve their, and the companies, overall performance. The company can then periodically rate the performance of its employees to provide feedback. Positive feedback and good performance should be rewarded and encouraged. If there is negative feedback it is important to then uncover areas that are in need of improvement. Due to the fact that performance management allows employees to fill a sense of ownership in their work and goals, it generally greatly increases the productivity of the organization. The fact that the employees are receiving continual training, and rewards for their improved performance also improves the employee’s overall sense of worth and well being. This provides a win- win situation company wide (Daniels 1-10). 2. There are two groups of people involved in business behavior, the leaders and the followers. The behavior of one of the two groups can either positively or negatively affect the behavior of the other. So what exactly is business behavior and are their any laws to govern what is acceptable and what is not? Despite what you might see marketed in various books and journal articles today as the, 100 unbreakable business laws, there are actually not a set group of laws that governs business. This is due to the fact that every business and company interaction is as different as the people that compose them. There are, however, guidelines for how business should be conducted. One of the guidelines is to not reward bad behavior. This is for both managers and employees. As Dr. Edwards noted, â€Å"well over 90% of the problems of quality are due not to frontline employees, but to management†. The rule of, â€Å"I don’t care how it gets done just get it done,† no longer applies. Ethics and moral responsibility in the process of achieving your goals sets a higher sense of morale and trust among the organization. As a result performance is actually improved. Behavior is the key to quality because you do not lead people in business you lead their behavior (Daniels 48 – 50 + 94). 3. Pinpointing is the act of trying to find the exact spot or issue that could be changed to improve overall effectiveness. Having the ability to accurately pinpoint is essential to performance management because allows the manager and employee to go to the source of the problem and uncover methods for irradiating it. Pinpointing should not be viewed or approached as a negative, but as a positive means for growth and development. Managers not only have the right but the responsibility to overview the work f their department and pinpoint areas that can be improved. It is not the sole responsibility of the managers to pinpoint, however, effective managers will train the employees to pinpoint problems as well. Since employees deal with the more day to day operations of the company if they are able to pinpoint and do away with problems early on, it helps to elevate a later possibly larger issue from occurring. This helps to improve overall managing performance because the more areas of concern that are pinpointed and eradicated the smother the department and company as a whole will run (Daniels 99-101). 4. Performance feedback is an essential tool in performance management. It should be ongoing between both managers and

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Kinetics of Drug Degradation and the Effect of pH on Drug Stability Lab Report

Kinetics of Drug Degradation and the Effect of pH on Drug Stability - Lab Report Example This iodine level reading then indicates the amount of iodine and therefore the amount of the drug that had been degraded and subject to the reaction with the used up iodine (Yoshioka and Stella 2000, pp. 61-69; Cohen et al. 1984; Brucat n.d.; Laude 2011; Stretton 2004). The spectrophotometer was calibrated to 324 nm for wavelength, zeroed with the use of water, and set to absorbance recording. For the trial run, 250 mL capacity Flask 2 was used to hold 10 mL of the drug in aqueous solution making use of a pipette, together with 120 mL of water. 250 mL capacity Flask 1 was used to hold 10 mL of water, 50 mL of aqueous iodine solution, and 10 mL of H2SO4, 0.1 M, likewise making use of a pipette. All of Flask 1 was poured into Flask 2, and swirled, at the same time marking the start of the timer. Flask 2 contents were poured back into Flask 1. At the 30 second mark, the reading for absorbance is noted, and this reading is done for every 30 seconds up to the six minutes mark. The pH of the mixture is also noted. This is a run. The actual experiment is done in five iterations of this run, with the initial Flask 2 contents retained, while the Flask 1 acid and water levels were varied according to the table below (Yoshioka and Stella 2000, pp. 61-69; Cohe n et al. 1984; Brucat n.d.; Laude 2011; Stretton 2004): Using the data for the absorbance at different pH and time, the gradient is calculated with the use of LINEST and SLOPE to determine the rate of reaction. Both yield the same results. The derived rates of reaction are given below: The rate of decline of iodine concentrations is a function of the acidity of the solution, as can be seen in Graph 1. Where the pH is most acidic, which is experiment 5 at a pH value of 2.05, the rate of decline is fastest. This corresponds to the fastest rate of degradation for Drug X. Graph 2 is to be interpreted in the same manner. Where the slope is least negative

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Recommendations for the Children Act 2004

Recommendations for the Children Act 2004 The Children Act 2004 created the office of Childrens Commissioner. If you were to be appointed to this office, which changes and innovations would you propose to the law and policy relating to children and the family to ensure that your function is fulfilled? How would you justify such changes and innovations? Introduction The Children Act 2004[1] was the product of a Government consultation exercise informed by the publication of the Every Child Matters[2] Green Paper which was drawn up to complement the Government’s formal response to the Victoria Climbià ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚ ©, Inquiry Report.[3] The Act provided for the establishment of the post of Children’s Commissioner to ensure a voice and lobbyist for children and young people at a national level. The current incumbent of this post is Professor Al Aynsley-Green. Section 2 of the Children Act stipulates that the Commissioners role will be to promote awareness of the interests and views of children and young adults up to the age of 20 including those in care or with learning disabilities. The Commissioner is also empowered to hold inquiries on direction by the Secretary of State or on his own initiative into cases of individual children with wider policy relevance This paper makes various proposals aimed at improving the current regime of law, policy and administration concerning the welfare of children and vulnerable young adults in the United Kingdom.[4] Bullying in Schools Bullying is a serious issue and something that affects the life of almost every child at one point or another in their time at school. It is also an issue for adult society, given that bullies sometimes take their habits into later life and that victims may harbour profound emotional scars long after they grow up. Bullying is consistently highlighted as a key concern, if not the paramount concern, in surveys of children.[5] As such it is submitted that proposals for action in this field would be warmly welcomed. The recent Anti-Bullying Week, which was coordinated by Professor Aynsley-Green, received considerable media attention and attracted the support of high profile media and sporting celebrities such as David Beckham. This indicates that there is widespread support for advances in policy in this area and this is significant because the likelihood of a proposal’s successful adoption and implementation is an important criterion in deciding which suggestions to put forward for consideration. Some shocking incidents have recently increased the momentum behind calls for innovative and progressive enhancement of society’s response to the problem of bullying. In November 2005 Natashia Jackman, aged 15, was attacked by three girls at a school in Surrey.[6] One of the girls used a pair of scissors to attack Natashia, stabbing her in the eye and face. It transpired that Natashia had been the victim of prolonged and concerted bullying at school. It is submitted that tough new intervention in this field is necessary before the situation escalates into one where a terrible incident such as one that occurred in this case takes place. Even more serious are the suicides of schoolchildren who are driven to a final act of desperation after being victimised by other children in classrooms and playgrounds.[7] If given the opportunity outlined in the title to this paper this commentator would make a proactive and effective anti-bullying policy a top priority for immediate action. In particular the following reforms are recommended: (a) A senior member of teaching staff at every primary and secondary school should be appointed as bullying surveillance officer. This position should be recognised and incorporated within the workload of the staff concerned, allowing sufficient time for the fulfilment of this duty and the role should be subject to external quality assessment, just as teaching is. (b) External speakers should be engaged to address children on bullying at school assembly. These should include authority figures such as police officers (who can explain the criminal consequences of such action), adult victims of bullying who can relate the experiences and the impact bullying had on them with force and even celebrities and notable figures could be enlisted to tour schools and offer influential advice. Professional footballer Rio Ferdinand recently starred in an anti-bullying television campaign[8] and it should be possible to gather together a sizeable team of prominent people who could participate in a scheme that would grab the attention of pupils and speak to them at their level. (c) Specialist bullying mediators should be appointed to local education areas with appropriate skills and experience and a dedicated remit to deal with bullying both at school and in the homes of victims and perpetrators alike. It is argued that teachers simply don’t have the training to conduct such sensitive work and negotiation and the matter is too serious to be left to concerned amateurs, no matter how much classroom experience they may have. (d) Pupils at all levels should be required to sign an anti-bullying pledge which emphasises that acquiescence in the face of bullying is an act that will itself attract punitive sanction under the school’s disciplinary code. Almost all of us will remember witnessing bullying, often sustaining bullying, of particular children from our schooldays, and almost all of us will probably regret failing to intervene to assist at the time. (e) School disciplinary mechanisms should deal sharply with any incidents of bullying, imposing stern and escalating punishments including suspension and possible exclusion and involving parents at an early stage. Moreover, the victims of bullying must be effectively protected in the process. There is anecdotal evidence to suggest that teachers sometimes prefer to deal with the complaints of one set of parents of a bullied child, rather than tackle four or five sets of parents of the bullies themselves. This is an appalling state of affairs and one that must be brought to an end forthwith. (f) A peer mentoring system should be introduced nationwide, to offer the victims of bullying the opportunity to speak with respected older children who have undergone training. Occasionally victims will be intimidated by the prospect of complaining to a teacher or even a parent. The other advantage of this suggested scheme is that peer mentors will typically have a better grasp of ‘ground-level’ activities and politics within a school than the most well- informed teachers. A range of incentives could be offered for participation in this scheme, and volunteering might prove especially attractive to older students with one eye on character references for work and university. (g) A comprehensive national education and advertising campaign should be launched to back up these reforms. If sustained, such a campaign is capable of producing an attitudinal shift in society from one of generally passive acquiescence to one of intolerance and proactive intervention. Thirty years ago car seatbelts were considered an annoyance at worst and an optional extra at best, however a concerted campaign shifted opinions to such an extent that for most people riding in a car without a seatbelt is now unthinkable just a generation later. Public campaigns have proved equally successful in such fields as passive smoking and there is no reason why a properly funded and lengthy anti-bullying campaign could not produce a similar seismic shift in our collective attitude to the activity. Better coordination, clarified responsibilities, increased funding This commentator would make it a priority to bash heads together (ie. encourage better liaison and cooperation) among local authorities and key agencies to improve the service that they collectively provide to children. At present too many children either fall through the cracks in the system or have pressing needs overlooked because the division of responsibilities between different agencies and bodies is unclear, piecemeal and patchy. Perhaps the best and most notorious example of this problem is the appalling case of Victoria Climbie, the inquiry into which presented shocking findings suggesting poor communication and coordination between responsible agencies. Moreover the general scarcity of resources dictates that it is often difficult for agencies to extend themselves beyond their own traditional spheres of activity in cases which may merit such action. It should surely be a priority in any general programme of reform to support child welfare professionals, be they working in the social services, police, education or health services, in an effort to work together more effectively, share information to identify difficulties and concerns, and provide the appropriate assistance more efficiently. To this end the creation of universal national database holding all information relevant to children and young people and the interests that concern them is recommended. It is time to exploit fully the exponentially growing power of technology in a way that is beneficial to children. A policy aimed at improved integration and enhanced cooperation must also entail measures to ensure better and clearer accountability for childrens services. For too long children have suffered from ambiguities in this crucial area. It is contended that concrete accountability in particular should perhaps be the ultimate aim of any proposed reform. Public and professional accountability is without doubt to best way guarantee diligence in any office. This clutch of proposals must go hand in hand with concerted lobbying for more funds from Government. Quality costs that is something that every parent understands on an individual level in respect to the care of their own children and it is something that the community should be susceptible to accept on a collective basis for the nation’s young. It is submitted that such a funding priority should prove more popular with the electorate than almost any other drain on the public purse. In simple terms, it can only be a vote winner for a Government beset with criticism over funding of such endeavours as the Iraq War and it chimes with the overarching policy of comprehensive, all-inclusive care endorsed by the Beveridge report[9] which founded the welfare state. Child Health and Welfare It is proposed that new policies are implemented to address specific problems that affect the health and well-being of the nation’s youth. While some apparent progress has been made in other sections of society it is damning fact that smoking rates are actually on the increase among children, in particular girls.[10] Approximately sixteen per cent of girls currently smoke, compared to around twelve per cent of boys. More than half of all children, male and female have consumed alcohol and a significant number are regular drinkers. Perhaps more startling is the fact that around seventeen per cent of children have abused solvents and a similar proportion have taken drugs, such as cannabis. Around twelve per cent of children claim to be sexually active or at least to have had sexual experience. Married to this statistic is the fact that the United Kingdom is top of the European league table for teenage pregnancy. Another concern for the health and well-being of the nation’s children is linked to dwindling participation rates in physical activity, both in and out of school hours, and to the point that standards of nutrition are negatively affected by the high and increasing consumption of convenience foods, fast foods, carbonated drinks and sweets. Girls have slightly healthier nutritional tastes than boys on average but sweets and sugary drinks are consumed at around twice the rate of fresh fruit and vegetables on a meal by meal basis. In isolation every one of the above statistics is a cause for serious concern. When viewed collectively it is submitted that these facts present a startling picture which demands immediate and concerted attention. If this commentator was to be appointed Children’s Commissioner a basket of policies would be recommended to improve the health and welfare of the nation’s children. Proposals would include restrictions on advertising, tax measures designed to reward (rather than punish as is the case today) healthy dietary choices, and hard hitting campaigns educating about the risks of drug and substance abuse. It is hard to argue that the age for smoking should be increased above sixteen, given that a person can get married or join the army and fight and die for his or her country at that age. However, the sale of cigarettes to minors should be more rigorously detected and punished and general measures to deter smoking in the adult population would reduce both the number of role models and exposure to passive smoke in the home and community. In terms of sexual health, a policy leaning away from permissive rights to emphasise more strongly responsibilities and risks would be advocated and a more open and accessible sexual education programme, such as that successfully employed at Scandinavian schools would be suggested. Concluding Comments A society can be judged by the way in which it treats its most vulnerable citizens. The office of Children’s Commissioner carries the heavy burden of safeguarding and furthering the interests of the nation’s youth, which is the nation’s future, and as such it is a function that must be carried out with commitment, verve and vigour. It is submitted that the proposals set out in this short paper would, if implemented, attract popular support and therefore access to funding and improve the lot of children nationwide. Moreover, at first and indeed second sight it is hard to conceive of any cogent argument against the concerted pursuit of such objectives. As such these proposals merit serious consideration for prompt and wholehearted adoption. THE END WORD COUNT: 2298 (excluding footnotes bullying was given particular emphasis as requested) BIBLIOGRAPHY Every Child Matters, Department for Education and Skills (2003) Victoria Climbie, Inquiry Report, Lord Laming (2003) Report to Parliament on Social Insurance and Allied Services, (Cmd. 6404) London: HMSO, 1942 ISBN: 0108502767 Bullied Girl Stabbed with Scissors:,,2-1868635,00.html Suicide ruling over bullied girls death, The Scotsman, 14 May 2005 Survey of smoking, drinking and drug use among secondary school children, Office of National Statistics: secondary_school_children.asp 1 Footnotes [1] The Act received Royal Assent on 15th November 2004. [2] See: [3] See: [4] Although it is noted that there is a separate Commissioner for each national jurisdiction within the United Kingdom. [5] The BBC television programme Newsround provides an online forum on bullying. [6] Bullied Girl Stabbed with Scissors:,,2-1868635,00.html. [7] See: Suicide ruling over bullied girls death, The Scotsman, 14 May 2005; and, inter alia:; [8] See: [9] Report to Parliament on Social Insurance and Allied Services, (Cmd. 6404) London: HMSO, 1942 ISBN: 0108502767. [10] See:

Friday, October 25, 2019

How do to Frames on Web Sites :: Essays Papers

How do to Frames on Web Sites Dividing a web page into frames is quite simple. Frames organize web pages by dividing them into rows or columns. The basic concept of frames is that each frame is a regular, complete html document. That means more than on one page is viewed in one single screen. This allows the viewers to stay one page other than having to keep on going to new pages. If a person wanted to divide a page into 2 side by side frames, he/she should put one complete html document in the left frame and another complete html document in the right frame. In order to make this happen, making an additional html document is needed. This third html document contains the *FRAME* tags that specify what goes where. That is actually its only function. The two tags used are the *FRAMESET* and the *FRAME* tags. A *FRAMESET* tag is a container tag, and a *FRAME* tag is not. For those who don't know what that means, a container tag has an opening *TAG* and a closing */TAG*. The *FRAME* tag specifies the html documents and whether the frame should have a border or a scrollbar for each html document. The *FRAMESET* tag does all the dividing. It specifies a few things regarding how to divide them up. (Note: If using web page providers such as angelfire and geocities, make sure the page that the frames code is going on is set for advanced html.) The most popular way frames are organized is by using two columns. One is simply being used for the menu of the web site, and the other being used as the main page to view a specific page within the web site. The examples used will include how to create frames showing the division of the page into two columns and also showing the division of the page into two rows. First of all, name the three html documents index.html, the page used for dividing it into frames; side1.html, the left column of the page used for the menu; and main.html, the page for viewing a specific page within the web site. Make sure the following html code is used in the index.html page: *FRAMESET cols="100,*†* *FRAME src=†side1.html†* *FRAME src=†main.html†* */FRAMESET*. The * simply means the space that is left over on the web page.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Macbeth Term Paper

Macbeth Term Paper Macbeth is a story that demonstrates profound change in human character in times when a strong belief becomes the focal point or reason for existence. In extreme cases, as in the story of Macbeth, he becomes so in tuned in his beliefs that he went through remarkable changes both mentally and spiritually. Macbeth is a character who puts himself in a life or death situation and from this a whole new persona comes out of him.Macbeth is a prime example of a man that opts to will his way to power in the most daring and deceiving ways possible without any regard for his actions. Under dyer needs it is within human nature to adapt to surrounding and do what ever becomes necessary to continue on living. Throughout the story Macbeth adapted a new personality because of his thirst for the thrown, his undeniable disregard for others’ well being, and the immense pressure bestowed upon him by the people close to him. â€Å"If it were done when ’tis done, then â⠂¬â„¢twere well. It were done quickly.If th’assassination, could trammel up the consequence, and catch with his surcease success: that but this blow might be the be-all and the end-all, here, But here upon this bank and shoal of time, We’d jump the life to come† (act 1, scene 7). This quotation demonstrates Macbeth and his struggle with his new personality trait: greed. Macbeth’s greed begins to take over his train of thought early on, after his visit with the witches. After visiting with the withes he finds that he is going to be named King if he goes through with various acts. Instantly his worldview changes and he begins to go through changes.Macbeth begins to loath the idea of doing anything other than capturing the thrown. This scene shows how Macbeth is contemplating the act of killing Dunkin (King of Scotland). As he explains in this quote, he realizes there are great consequences if he should be caught and he also believes that the benefits in his mind are very worthy as well, should he succeed in killing the king. This is a monumental change in his attitude or personality because before he was just a noble man, who happened to be legitimately respected. Undoubtedly Macbeth would never have considered killing King Dunkin before he saw visions of himself as king.This is especially true due to the fact that Macbeth and King Dunkin have a courteous and well-known relationship as cousins (Bates, Alfred). Very little evidence would show Macbeth as a careless and murderous man. Greed and passion however lead him to contemplate murder. â€Å"Yields to that suggestion, Whose horrid image doth unfix my hair, And make my seated heart knock at my ribs† (Act 1, scene 3, 133-135). Undeniably, at this point in the story, Macbeth is rapped up in greed and the power he yearns to grasp. This is the tipping point for Macbeth.He knows that he will not be the same person should he go through with the act of killing King Dunkin however his urge to put himself in a better position is eating away at his conscience (Bates, Alfred). This is a good example of how Macbeth cannot control his desires when he describes his â€Å"heart knocking at his ribs†. He is indirectly holding his life above others as his conscience is telling him to take power over the thrown, in any way possible. This shows that not only the personality trait of greed is taking over, but also the traits of becoming egocentric and self-centered are coming out of Macbeth.There is not a time in this part of Macbeth where he describes reasons for taking power other than the sheer fortunes that come with being king. In other words, Macbeth never states that he can do better as king than King Dunkin had done, rather he only wants to become the most powerful man in Scotland. Macbeth is in the middle of developing a self-centered personality trait because his thoughts do not consider anyone other than himself when he contemplates murder as a means to be come king. Before Macbeth even thought of taking control he was a strong soldier who had the personal qualities to become king in a more natural way.However, he proved to fall into the trap of questioning his own self-confidence. Macbeth was completely influenced by his wife Lady Macbeth. â€Å"The raven himself is hoarse, That croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan, Under my battlements. Come, you spirits, That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, And fill me from the crown to the toe top-full Of direst cruelty. Make thick my blood, Stop up th’access and passage to remorse† (Act 1, scene 5, lines 36–52). This quote from Lady Macbeth has tremendous importance. The quote shows how Lady Macbeth had her heart set on killing King Dunkin and how she was totally behind her husband in doing so.Macbeth did not feel as though it was a good idea for a lot of reasons however his wife Lady Macbeth begins to make him feel like he is a coward. Lady Macbeth explained, in the q uote above, how much ambition she had in favor of the act of killing King Dunkin. Within the quote Lady Macbeth calls Macbeth’s gender or man hood into question, which will cause Macbeth to alter his emotions and change his beliefs. She elucidates how she cannot commit the act of killing the King because of her nurturing and female genes however if she could change herself and be a man she would do so in order to kill Dunkin (Coriat, Isador).The idea that Lady Macbeth would kill King Dunkin in order to take power, essentially transforms Macbeth and his personality in a whole new way. Macbeth could not let his wife threaten his strength as a man and this pressure from Lady Macbeth proves to push him over the top. After this Macbeth feels a new urgency to fulfill his desires along with his wife’s wishes. This passage illuminates how easily Macbeth changes his mind because of the pressure his wife has presented him. The original personality that Macbeth expressed before t his passage is much different than the one seen after he meets with the witches.Before we see a resilient militaristic man with a strong willed personality but after this point Macbeth seems to be greatly influenced by his wife (Coriat, Isador). This becomes a key point in his personality change because after this point he begins to totally become enwrapped in the insensitive decisions that appoint him king. Greed over comes all other traits and in turn makes him act upon his wishes. Macbeth experiences genuine and true personality changes when his actions lead him too far to cover up his act of killing King Dunkin. Banquo was Macbeth’s true best friend before he had gained power after killing King Dunkin.They worked together under the king and they were often seen together in the beginning of the play. Banguo is even present when Macbeth received the prophecy from the witches. This proves to be the major problem that Macbeth recognizes after he fulfilled the prophecy.  "We have, scorched the snake, not killed it. She’ll close and be herself whilst our poor malice, Remains in danger of her former tooth†(act 3, scene 2). This quote explains how Macbeth recognizes that Banquo is a major threat to him. Macbeth believed that Banquo would reveal his secret because Banquo had been an advocate for Dunkin before.Banquo also knew that Macbeth had good reason to kill Dunkin after he heard the prophecy of the witches. This passage shows that Macbeth allows fear to influence his actions and take over his life. Macbeth had gone from having Banquo as a good friend to contemplating killing him because he knew too much about what he had done. The trait of fear truly started to take form is Macbeth’s life after this point since he began to always have to cover up his previous actions. Macbeth is no longer even remotely a good or a noble man after this point since he decided to kill his friend Macbeth.After this point he becomes vastly self-cente red and wrapped in his fears that control his life. â€Å"Macb: Both of you Know Banquo was your enemy. Murderers: True, my lord. Macb: So is he mine; and in such bloody distance that every minute of his being thrusts Against my near'st of life† (Act III, scene 1). Macbeth proves, within this conversation with the murderers, that he does not see Banquo as his friend anymore. He convinces the murderers that Banquo is their enemy along with his. Macbeth is very clear about his word use and how he feels about Banquo, which in turn shows how he has totally changed his mind about Banquo.This is a worthy example of a personality change in Macbeth’s makeup. Macbeth has completely changed his feelings towards a very important person in his life with no feasible purpose or reason other than the reason that Banquo was a liability towards him and his goal of staying king. Lastly Macbeth states that the blood of Banquo is better off on the murderers rather than in Banquo. The pass age clearly shows a changed man who, because of fear, makes major changes in his character and personality. Macbeth is becoming a man who does not care about who he hurts or what he does as long as he stays King.This shows how he completely changed his makeup as he went from being thoughtful and careful to insensitive and irresponsible. Macbeth’s spinning relationship with Banquo is not the only time when he changes his feelings towards someone or a group of people. Throughout the play Macbeth has changing feelings towards the witches. In the begging of the play Macbeth has a great deal of trust in what the witches have told him through their prophecies. He goes as far as committing murderous acts because of the witches prophecies. Later on however, Macbeth begins to change his feelings towards the witches.Macbeth begins to loose trust in them and develops a loathing emotion for the witches. His new feelings towards the witches develop after he committed the murders and reali zed that he had put himself in a dangerous situation (Lou Ching). Macbeth knows he must go back to find out the rest of his destiny. When he returns to the witches he demands them to tell him what will happen. In act 4 scenes 1-3 Macbeth meets with the witches and demands to see his fait. The witches show him three visions. The first vision is of a floating head, which was a symbol of Macduff.After this the witches warned him of Macduff. The second vision was of a bloody child, which was a metaphor or symbol proclaiming that no man who was born of a woman would kill Macbeth. After these symbols the last and most important because he saw himself walking with eight kings who were all in the form of ghosts. Once Macbeth had seen this he knew something was wrong however the witches would not explain it. Macbeth becomes very angry with the witches and begins to worry about his future. Macbeth exclaimed â€Å"Infected be the air whereon they ride, And damned all those that trust them! â €  (Act 4, scene 1).The quote shows how Macbeth has become enraged with the witches because he believed that they had been toying with him. The witches made Macbeth feel very uneasy after this point because he was still unsure about his future. Unlike the beginning of the play, Macbeth clearly looses trust in the witches as they left Macbeth with no clear sense about where his fait would rest. This shows how Macbeth had gone from a person who had trust in people to a man who could trust no one. This personality trait of never keeping faith in himself or anyone around him is a trait that continually comes up throughout the play.Macbeth had become a vicious and insensitive King. Murderous acts require a man who is unstable. Killing an innocent person to obtain benefits demonstrations a self-centered inhumane characteristic. By the time the murders of Banquo and King Dunkin had been committed Macbeth had completely turned into a new man. In no possible way was the Macbeth who did no t kill anyone, in the beginning of the play, the same man as the Macbeth who murdered two close friends (Wykes, Walter). Macbeth was a murderer, which became a personality trait in that he no longer feared murdering a man.Macbeth continued to have murderous thoughts as he told the witches that he would murder Macduff if he needed to. Murder became a way of life or a means to live for Macbeth, which proved to be his most significant characteristic throughout the play. Often tremendous traumas will change a person, usually in a negative way. Murdering someone is a trauma that puts great amounts of guilt as well as other conscious thoughts in ones head. Throughout the play Macbeth becomes a totally new person because of the stresses that a murderous act puts on a man (Ross, Julia).Murderous actions and hard to deal with ordeals also change Macbeth and his ways of suppressing bad memories. Macbeth clearly accepts the idea that he has become a murder especially after he commits the secon d murder. This is a monumental change in his personality because the idea that Macbeth is completely accepting of the idea that killing someone is tolerable, is without a doubt, an insane thought (Wykes, Walter). â€Å"If it were done when ’tis done, then ’twere well, It were done quickly†(act 1, scene 7). This quote comes from the time before Macbeth killed King Dunkin.It shows how he is explaining the importance to get over the murder quickly. Macbeth shows how his conscious is very weak and how the act of the murder will not bother him because he will make sure to get over it quickly (John Boe). It is clear that the witches become a main focus for Macbeth and the trust he has in remaining king. The built up of insecurities and fear inside of Macbeth however create a new personality trait in order to contemplate the idea of trusting the witches. Rash impulses and hasty thoughts allow Macbeth to trust the witches.If Macbeth had a clear mind and realized the rig ht thing to do would be to ignore the witches and their prophecy, Macbeth would have never even contemplated the idea of killing Dunkin with his wife. Greed and impulsive decisions take total control over Macbeth and in turn make him do things that he would not have normally done. The witches clearly are the source for Macbeth’s decisions and because of this he does not trust his own thoughts rather he trusts the visions of the witches (Lou Ching). Macbeth is a proven story of a man with many psychological problems, which truly come out of him because he sees and opportunity to be King.Macbeth shows a side of him, which he may not have even known about, however under the immense pressure of the act of murder his personality and human characteristics change. The people around him become mere objects he moves like chess pieces within his selfish efforts to remain in power, because of his dominate personality trait of greed. Murderous acts become second nature actions for Macbet h, which is a proven example of how he had become insane and developed new personality traits. Bates, Alfred. â€Å"Macbeth. †Ã‚  TheatreHistory. com. London: Historical Publishing Company. Web. 6 Apr. 2012. ;lt;http://www. theatrehistory. com/british/macbeth001. html;gt;. Boe, John. â€Å"John Boe, The Tragedy of Macbeth: Character Studies | Open Shakespeare. †Ã‚  Open Shakespeare. Web. 26 Apr. 2012. ;lt;http://openshakespeare. org/2011/03/22/john-boe-the-tragedy-of-macbeth-character-studies;gt;. â€Å"Character of Life in Macbeth. †Ã‚  The Mother's Service Society. Web. 26 Apr. 2012. <http://www. motherservice. org/content/character-life-macbeth>. Chou, Lou Ching. â€Å"Witches in Macbeth. †Ã‚  Web Hosting Provider. Web. 26 Apr. 2012. <http://www. mseg. info/ib/essays/witches. tm>. Coriat, Isador H. â€Å"The Hysteria of Lady Macbeth – An Analysis of the Sleepwalking Scene. †Ã‚  Shakespeare Online. Web. 26 Apr. 2012. <http:/ /www. shakespeare-online. com/plays/macbeth/macbethsleepwalking. html>. Ross, Julia. â€Å"TuftsRoss. †Ã‚  Meredith College : Raleigh, NC. Web. 26 Apr. 2012. <http://www. meredith. edu/english/walton/TuftsRoss. htm>. Wykes, Walter. â€Å"The Personality of Murder in Shakespeare's Macbeth. â€Å"Http://ezinearticles. com/. 30 Aug. 2007. Web. <http://EzineArticles. com/? expert=Walter_Wykes Article Source: http://EzineArticles. com/709816>.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Marketing E-Learning Services Essay

Synopsis: DigitalThink is breaking the mold of traditional classroom-based training by offering technology-based instruction to Global 2000 companies for their employees, managers, and customers. Trainees learn the material they need through interactive programs deployed to them by CD, company intranet, or Internet browser instead of in a centralized classroom with a live instructor. DigitalThink’s methods have been shown to compress training time by as much as 50%, and reduce the cost of development, maintenance, and delivery by 64%. Answer the following discussion questions submit to the Discussion Question Forum. 1. What are (a) the advantages and (b) the disadvantages of DigitalThink’s technology-based instruction over conventional classroom-based educational services? a) Advantages. Learning can be personalized for a variety of skill levels, which puts the learner, not the presenter, in charge of the learning process, lets the learner go at his/her own pace, and saves the company time and money. Technology-based instruction (TBI) has been shown to compress training time by as much as 50% and reduce the cost of development, maintenance, and delivery by 64%. Some specific advantages are: Instant, global development and updates. Convenient—anytime, anywhere access. Self-paced format accommodates all levels and schedules. More measurable than other forms of learning and training. Does not require time away from the office, customer engagements, or sales calls. Consistency of message (everyone gets the same information in the same way). Faster sales ramp-up time for new products. Higher completion rates. Engaging and interactive learning environment. Simulations allow learners to test their skills in a safe, non-threatening environment. Minimal technology requirements (Internet-connected computer and browser). b) Disadvantages. Does not have the social interaction with the other trainees that typically occurs when using centralized classroom-based training and facing the challenges presented by being a change agent in a well-established area like education. 2. Given your answer to question 1 above, (a) what are the key criteria DigitalThink should use in identifying prospective customers for its service, (b) what market segments meet your criteria, and (c) what are possible sales objections these segments might have that you have to address? a) Criteria – Criteria include having: Trainees with a variety of skill levels when they enter the organization, being geographically dispersed. New employees enter the company on an almost consistent basis through growth or turnover. The information that the employees need to know being process-based information. Immediate and specific feedback being important in the training. b) Market Segments – Some promising market segments that meet these criteria are high-technology business, chain retailors, financial services, health care, and government. c) Sales Objectives – The critical sales objectives that need to be overcome are cost, rate of change, what to do with the existing trainers, and â€Å"we don’t do that here.† Companies are worried that a) TBI will cost too much to develop, b) consistent changes within the company, industry and business environment will make the training program obsolete quickly. Companies are not sure what new function their subject matter experts who use the train with workforce can now perform, and they can have a negative attitude towards anything that is different from what has been successful in the past. Because e-learning is seen as so new, managers among DigitalThink’s prospective customers are often concerned about how their employees will  respond to this new, nontraditional training method. 3. Suppose a large international hotel chain asks DigitalThink to make a proposal to train its thousands of front desk clerks and receptionists. (a) How would you design an e-learning program to train them how to check in a customer? (b) How can DigitalThink demonstrate the points of difference or benefits to the hotel chain of its technology-based instruction to obtain a contract to design an e-learning program? a) The program would be designed so that the clerks and receptionists can access it during the day (for 1-2 hour periods) where they would be simulated work sessions where they would be interacting with customer. For example the receptionist would be taught the policies of the hotel, the procedures required to check in a guest, then they would be able to test their knowledge in the simulations. In addition, Digitalthink could include a mentor available as part of the program to do a webinar (software as a service). b) The ease of use of a e learning program are the main benefit. The technology based program can be accessed on demand when front desk clerks are available. Employees probably have a busy schedule so the program would be concise and comprehensive. If I was on the Digital think team I would stress the difference between our programs is that we are compact and will save the company money and time spent to educate their workforce in a flexible amount of time.